Sunday, May 29, 2011

More Show And Tell

Yay, I learned something new today! What did I learn, I hear you ask? I learned how to make a thumb in a glove ;-). I'd always been a bit scared about trying, because the idea of having to drop stitches (tiny ones, at that!) in the middle of something I've worked hard at... well, it scared the shit out of me. Even now, after I've done it.

It was tricky, and I messed up and had to re-do the thumb twice, but in the end, I think it worked out okay. I'm pretty pleased with them, anyway. Too bad they're a gift, and not for keeps.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Slowly But Surely...

I'm making strides on the crafting front, albeit very slow ones. I knit this Liesel scarf back in 2007, and I've only just blocked it. Yeah, kinda fail there, but oh well. Better late, than never, right?

the whole thing all blocked:

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Almost Forgot!

I can finally show the second Elise shawl I crocheted, since I gave it to my Mother-in-Law last week for Mother's Day (okay, okay, a few days, late, but it still counts).

Here's a picture pre-blocking:

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Blocking Away!

I just finished wet-blocking my At The Deep End shawl (aka the Elise Shawl I crocheted a while back). It was a little intimidating, because while soaking, a lot of dye seemed to leach out of it. Never had that happen to me before, but then again, I've never worked with that yarn before, either. Hopefully it won't do so again if it ever gets wet.

Here's a before picture:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I Did It... I Think

I took my first stab at blocking today. Not entirely sure if I did it right, but it seems to have worked.

Hey, MsKathy, I remembered to take before and after pictures, just so you could see. Hope it helps.

Before blocking: